Thursday, 31 January 2008

Stertors and drones

It's official. I am totally and utterly disillusioned with life. You might say that this is a phase, or a fad, or indeed a sign of unwanton disintegration into that well plowed furrow called 'old age'. Quite honestly, it is a mixture of all three, with an extra helping of self pity along with a dollop of an insatiable desire to share that with all and sundry on the side. With fries. Always with fries, despite Jamie Oliver's crusade against anything with a hint of automated flavour enhancing. Don't get me wrong, I am not about to vilify JO and feed my thankfully non existent children with fast food through the iron railings of a school gate. Quite the contrary, I feel that anyone who has the balls to profess a different view to the status quo deserves a medal, a pat on the back and a get out of jail free card. Or at least a gold star for effort.
So why the downbeat opening? Emo's beware, I am not about to open up and condemn the entire world to another wrist hatching episode of woeful soliloquies and depth defying sob stories. I simply wanted to show my utter detachment to today. And only today. Think of it as a sudden snore in the midst of an otherwise peaceful night's sleep. A snore doesn't equate to an nightmare, in the same way as my opening doesn't equate to a blue filled blog. Think of it as a sudden stertor in life as opposed to a continuous drone. Over and Out.


Anonymous said...

Blog eh? You've only done 2 entries and it already makes mine look like shit lol ;p

I'll have to remember to check this often, very thought provoking so far.


GlassCurls said...

My god, you have a way with words that makes T.S. Eliot look like an amatuer! You really should keep this going!!!

GlassCurls said...

I can't beleieve you actually deleted both of your other posts, when they had so much to say, and said it so well. Perhaps this is just part of your disillusionment though ...